Become a Cancer Coach
Psycho-Oncological Training Course (online)
By training to become a psycho-oncological/cancer coach, you will not only receive practical tips and tools, but also tailormade exercises to teach you what it means to accompany cancer patients empathetically and competently. At the same time you learn to better cope with your own stress.
The TBAcare Cancer Coach Program has been running in Germany for 10 years and has provided training for health care and geriatric nurses, palliative care workers, coaches that want to focus on cancer patients and their relatives, naturopaths, and those who want to help take care of the psychological and social needs of cancer patients and their relatives.
At TBAcare, we envision a world where cancer patients and their relatives receive the support they need during their cancer journey in terms of how to deal constructively with their circumstances and every day life while affected by cancer.
With this program, you will learn what it means to be a coach that is specialised in dealing with cancer patients and their relatives and the difficulties that arise when confronted with a cancer diagnosis and subsequent journey through and with this disease.
You are…
- a health care worker or geriatric nurse and want more confidence in dealing with cancer patients?
- in the medical field and want to develop a second mainstay with a consulting practice
- regularly in contact with cancer patients and simply want to help more?
- a cancer patient yourself and want to understand this disease better, or accompany others on their cancer journey?
- simply courageous and feel that there is a lack of holistic approaches in the field of cancer treatment in your country and would like to be helpful there?
- a relative of a cancer patient and would like to get rid of feeling helpless and better cope with the situation?
- familiar with online courses and/or are willing to use new techniques and to get to know the online world by actively participating in our webinars?
- Then you are…
… at the Right Place
You’ll Gain
A strong online-community

You will be part of a strong online community that supports and helps each other learn. With our buddy system, we apply the knowledge gained for optimized learning. Learning in small, dedicated groups promotes a much better understanding of subject matters. Having a community also helps to motivate you!
A Wide Range of Topics Awaits You
Oncological basic principles and treatments of the most common cancers, such as e.g. breast carcinoma, bronchial carcinoma, prostate carcinoma, gastrointestinal tumors, systemic diseases, oncogenesis
Family interventions, systemic approaches to disease management
Rehabilitation, palliative care, hospice
Documentation and quality assurance
Social legislation, social consequences
Communication skills, communication with doctors, and communication around the diagnosis
Psychological comorbidity, anxiety, depression, grief
Processing the disease, coping, salutogenesis, resilience
Pain and tumor-related fatigue
Quality of life, role of nutrition and exercise, impact on sexuality
Crisis intervention, indication for psycho-oncological intervention
Psychoeducation, group programs, relaxation techniques, utilizing imaginative techniques
Complementary and alternative therapies
Naturopathy, artistic therapies, meaning-centered therapy, pastoral care
Burnout and prevention
Help and support for children and teenagers
How Does the Online Course Work?
Upon your registration you gain access to the course area. Here you can complete the modules in your time and order. You can and should attend the bi-weekly webinars for 12 months and learn the content during this time. About 2-3 hours per week should be enough. If you want to go through the course faster or need more time, talk to us!
Access to content – anytime and anywhere
All modules of the training are available to you on an online platform and you can access your learning units whenever it suits you!
Exercises and gain personal experience
Introduced tools are discussed and applied in groups of two or three in the bi-weekly webinars. Personal realization processes lead to gaining more confidence in coaching clients.
Body & Soul
Yoga asanas that are compatible with the phases will be introduced.
The Xi Xi Hu, a walking Qi Gong technique is especially great for cancer patients. Xi Xi Hu and other Qi Gong exercises are available to you.
In addition, we have prepared a dedicated exercise program using trampolines, designed to enable cancer patients opportunities to be active despite their potential physcial limitations.
Theory input
The content is adapted to the 6 phases of the cancer disease. You will get to know tools that will help you to accompany clients in each of the phases empathically and helpfully. Over 80 videos will prepare you for your future work as a coach. The most important and frequent questions and answers of patients and relatives in each phase are part of the course.
Exchange in our facebook group
The Facebook group, which is only available to course participants, is a place for you to share your questions, impulses and insights. You are not alone on your training path!
Imagination Journey, Meditations
The meditations included in the program can be a support for yourself, but can be especially essential in the recovery process for your future clients.
Overview and Structure of the Course
Dealing with Cancer in (potentially) 6 Phases
watch the introduction video here
1. Suspicion Phase
- Phase Overview
- Dealing with Fears
- Making Decisions – watch preview lesson here
- Is it Cancer?
- Controlling Negative Thoughts
- Who to talk to?
- Coping Strategies
2. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
- Phase Overview
- Preparing for the Diagnosis
- Dealing with the Diagnosis
- Four Treatment Options
- Getting a Second Opinion
- Prognosis? – watch preview lesson here
- The Doctor-Patient Relationship
- Strengthening Self-Confidence
- Can we begin already?
3. Treatment / Therapy Phase
- Phase Overview
- Packing a Bag for Treatment
- Motivation during Treatment
- Side Effects
- Stress on all Sides
- Your Circle suffers, too
- New Body after Chemotherapy & Surgery – watch preview lesson here
4. Remission Phase
- Phase Overview
- Back to Square One?
- Check-Ups?
- Salutogenesis: Origin of Health – watch preview lesson here
- Who is to blame?
- Nutrition as a Basis for Health
- Changes from a Systemic Viewpoint
- Inner Resilience
5. Cancer Recurrence Phase
- Phase Overview
- What went wrong?
- Being ashamed and fearing Failure
- What do I do differently?
- Dealing with metastatic Cancer
- Regaining Trust
- How do I tell my Family?
- Finding Motivation – again!
6. Confronting Mortality
- Phase Overview
- Talking about Death
- Packing a Bag for the last Journey
- Power of Attorney / Healthcare Proxy / Living Will
- Palliative Care = End?
- Enduring Pain?
- Where to Die?
- Outliving Death – is there an Afterlife?
Becoming a Cancer Coach: Knowledge and Tools
Coaching Basics
- Theme-Centered Interaction
- Coach vs. Therapist
- Types of Visitors
- Asking a Cancer Coach
- Salutogenesis
- Systemic Questions
- VAKOG Model
- Example: Coaching Session
- Special Topic: Your final Assignment
- Special Topic: Positioning and Marketing
Coaching Tools
- EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique
- Decision Making in 7 Steps
- TA: Model of Ego States
- TA: Drama Triangle
- Strategies for Coping & Stress
- Utilising Resistance
- Model of Functional Entities
- Intro to the Enneagram
- The Work by Byron Katie
- The Genogram
- Systemic (Cor-)Relations
- Bach Flowers
- Grief Work for Departing and Staying Behind
- …
Body & Soul: Connecting Everything Gently
- Locating Inner Strength – download the free sample here
- Loving Cancer to Death
- The Journey to your Inner Child
- Discovering your Self
- Inner Body Wisdom
- Meditation for Chemotherapy
- Introduction – view here
- 8 Pieces of Brocade
- Tai Chi – Qigong
- Xi Xi Hu – Walking Meditation
coming soon!
coming soon!
Regular Price
- over 80 videos with learning material
- every 14 days a zoom meeting over 2 hours with small group work
- an exchange platform accessible only to members
- many download materials for daily work
- meditations
- yoga exercises
- Qi Gong exercises
- trampoline exercises especially for cancer patients
- supervision
- monthly exercise session
- loving support
- Installment payment possible
After completing the course
Become part of the Alumni program, and secure yourself:
- continued access to the online course
- including access to any new content that goes live
- access to our Alumni-only forum
- listing on the “our coaches” website page
- discounts on our other programs

TBAcare GmbH is accredited by TUEV Nord in accordance with Din ISO 21001
You can start when ever you want!
Please use our discount of 15 % until 23.12.23 . Book a consultation with zoom now! Use our calendar tool
Don’t want a zoom call but still have questions?
Write us an email here:
Regular Price
- over 80 videos with learning material
- every 14 days a zoom meeting over 2 hours with small group work
- an exchange platform accessible only to members
- many download materials for daily work
- meditations
- yoga exercises
- Qi Gong exercises
- trampoline exercises especially for cancer patients
- supervision
- monthly exercise session
- loving support
- Installment payment possible
Quick Facts
Courage, empathy and the desire to help (helping mainly yourself is entirely valid)
12 months (in special circumstances, an earlier or later completion can be considered by Academy Management for individual cases)
Structure is based on the (potential) 6 phases of dealing with cancer
Coaching Basics
Coaching Tools
Body & Soul module
Criteria for completing the course:
- Active participation in 12 webinars (minimum)
- Completion of all online-quizzes at the end of each phase
- Sending in a (video-)recording of a coaching session held by you with a client (can be a friend, another course participant, …)
- Feedback from us in regards to that session
You will receive a certificate of attendance after completing the course.
What else?
The online training course is hosted on the platform After your purchase (via Digistore24) you will receive a confirmation email and need to set a password for your elopage-customer-account (if you don’t already have one). You can access the course with this account anytime on and go at your own pace.
The holistic training course with insights of over 20 years of practical and clinical experience!
It’s time for cancer patients to benefit from your expertise and empathy!
Contact us and ask all your open questions about the training.
“Experience is not what happens to you. Experience is what you make of what happens to you.”
Aldous Huxley
Take the opportunity to look inside 5 unlocked videos here. You can get to know the way in which the learning content is conveyed. In addition to the more than 80 learning videos, you will also receive materials, posters and cards with which you can work in everyday practice.
“A valuable training, as a support to find oneself, to be more truthful to the client. Learned many new tools and ways to deal with myself and clients. Thank you for the great time and insight to myself!”
“Now – 14 days after the end of the training – I can only feel how good this training has done me. I feel more secure, calmer, more at home with myself. Strengthened by this training, I continue on my way. In the 20 years of my training I have been able to get to know very good training leaders. This training has topped them all. If there were stars on it, I would call this a 5-star training!”
“I am very satisfied with the experience and what I learned in this seminar! I feel very well prepared to work as a psycho-oncological consultant. The individual contents were conveyed by the seminar leader in a very competent, understandable and clear manner. I found the alternation between theory, practice, exchange with the seminar participants, group work and self-experience exercises very valuable and enriching! The cooperation and the encounter with the other seminar participants was characterized by mutual attentiveness, humanity and appreciation! I am grateful from the bottom of my heart that I was able to complete this further training at Systemix!”

This course exists because…
…cancer patients need support. They need you!
With over 20 years of experience and having accompanied more than 8000 patients on their journeys through the health care systems, we are convinced that such a difficult situation should not be dealt with alone.
The number of cancer patients is on the rise and the health care workers will be the ones having to carry the burden. That is why our goal is to train and educate as many people as possible, in order to better support the patients and the system.
That is why it needs people like YOU, that have the courage to face the topic of cancer with love, empathy and professional competency.
We look forward to meeting you!
Your TBAcare Team
Can I cancel the course contract?
Since all course content is immediately accessible upon registration, the right of withdrawal is not applicable here. If you are paying in installments or encountered difficulties otherwise, contact us. We are sure we can find a good solution for all involved.
How does that work with the webinars?
You have the opportunity (and also need) to attend webinars. These are held bi-weekly on a Saturday and cover the coaching tools in-depth. The link for the webinar is posted in our forum and will additionally be sent out via email in the week before the webinar.
Is this course certified?
This course is certified for Din ISO 21001 by TUEV Nord.
What happens if I lose motivation/daily life gets in the way?
Online courses require a certain sense of self-discipline and motivation. We know that there will be times, when daily life seems to get in the way or you just don’t feel like studying.
If (or rather when) that time comes, find support in our forum or in our webinars.
If that doesn’t help, talk to us for a solution.
Does health insurance cover coaching sessions?
This is subject to the rules and regulations of your country and/or where you would ultimately offer your coaching services. You are advised to research this.
Can I earn money as a cancer coach?
Again, this depends on the country where you are conducting your coaching sessions. For example, in Germany it is possible to become a self-employed coach and invoice clients a variable fee.