- Are you dealing with cancer, either as a patient, a relative or health care worker, but are sometimes unsure what to do or lack the right words when approached?
- Do you want to help those who are affected by cancer, but don’t know how to go about it?
- Do you feel like care giving for people affected by cancer could use some more holistic approaches and dive deeper into what lies beneath the disease?
- Are you interested in self-development, personal growth and the tools to achieve that for yourself and guiding others to it?
At TBAcare we view cancer as a journey and approach that journey from a holistic and all-encompassing perspective. No one should have to deal with a cancer diagnosis and its effects alone. They should be able to get the help and support they need, in order to cope with the disease, the best way possible.
Cancer is not just a physical illness; it has a devastating effect on your mental health as well. That is where cancer coaches come in. They are the ones lending an ear, guiding gently and competently through all the emotions, changes and difficulties that may come up along the way – whether that is for the patient itself or a relative that is affected by the disease.
To give you an insight into what makes a good cancer coach, we are organizing a series of free webinars where we discuss important aspects of such an all-encompassing holistic approach when dealing with cancer.
On July 4th, 2021 we start with the Salutogenic Model or Theory, which is fundamental in understanding the inherent relationship between health and illness. When applied, it allows the creation of optimal mental strength enhancing the potential of physical healing. An imperative necessity especially for cancer patients.
(A blogpost about Salutogenesis & Cancer just went live, as well. Click here to read.)
In this free webinar, we also introduce you to our psycho-oncological training course, what it entails, and how we approach teaching it.
Quick facts:
This webinar is free and for anyone interested in becoming a cancer coach or wanting to learn more about the various concepts, tools and methods available to effectively assist cancer patients.
When: 4 July 2021, 13:00h (CET+2; Berlin, Amsterdam)
Where: Register here for free
What: Introduction to the psycho-oncological training course to become a cancer coach & the Salutogenic Theory (with a hands-on exercise for you)
We look forward to seeing you there!
If you have any questions beforehand that you would like an answer to, let us know via email: info@tba.care or schedule a free info call through Calendly here !
Your TBAcare Team